Executive Producers:
Adam Curry
John C Dvorak
Associate Executive Producers:
Zachary Johnson
Ron Rankin
Isaac Contreras
Linda Lupatkin
aimee byrne
Melissa Reeve
1h9m37s - 1h10m7s - tell me when NOC code you have different languages, different language, a large language model. So when I say chat GPT I'm only half heartedly joking about you're not completely joking, though I'm not John C Dvorak: and given given time, chat GPT or some offshoot should be able to talk lawyer ease as well as attorney Adam Curry: Yeah, but again, you know, oh, no, it made up court cases. Okay. Well, that was, by the way,
1h10m7s - 1h10m38s - John C Dvorak: you don't? Adam Curry: either. I'm not buying Yeah, John C Dvorak: we both can say that. Yeah. Not buying. Adam Curry: And there's too many lawyers that we've all heard. That's a fact. And what if you can't get into a law practice? You go on television, every single host is a lawyer. Every pundit is a lawyer. Yeah. John C Dvorak: In fact, you see, Shannon Bream is a lawyer make. All these people are lawyers. You're not Adam Curry: a lawyer. You're a spook, Tucker, Carlson, John C Dvorak: and others.